How to Start Using DOOH Advertising Today
For many advertisers, adding DOOH (Digital-Out-Of-Home) advertising to their arsenal of advertising options can be a daunting task. DOOH is a relatively new form of advertising so many members of the advertising industry are unaware of how they should set up DOOH campaigns. As well, DOOH’s unique combination of both traditional physical advertising methods and terms with digital advertising methods and terms can cause a lot of confusion for those not accustomed to DOOH. Fortunately, we have a quick guide that will allow a DOOH novice to become a DOOH expert.
Determine the scope of your ad
DOOH functions similarly to a lot of traditional physical advertising in that the locations matter a lot. In the same way, you would want to make sure a highway billboard that advertises your product is close to a location a consumer can purchase your product, you want to make sure the digital displays your DOOH ad is played on is in a place that is relevant to your product. This means determining the geographic scope is the first step in setting up a campaign.
Design the creative
As in any advertising campaign, having solid ad creative that fits the medium of the display is vital to a DOOH campaign’s success. Once you have picked out the screens your campaign will be played on, you can begin the design process. It is very important that you take note of the different sizes of the screens your campaign is to be placed on, nothing looks worse than creative that has been stretched or shrunk to fit on a display it was not designed for. In addition, you want to make sure the creative is eye-catching and understandable to consumers on the move as most DOOH screens are placed in areas where consumers are walking.
Choose the campaign KPIs
Deciding the metrics that you will measure for a particular campaign is indispensable in determining campaign strategy. If you are going for just pure viewership you are going to want to play the ad on screens in high traffic areas such as supermarkets or malls. If instead, you are more interested in reaching a narrow, exclusive audience you would want to play in specialty stores or neighbourhoods that the demographic you are trying to reach is likely to frequent. The nice thing with a lot of DOOH providers including INEO is that they can provide more data to measure your campaigns, than traditional Out-Of-Home advertising. Things like the audience’s gender split, age distribution and time of viewing. This can allow you to measure your campaign’s success in a way this is just not possible with traditional out of home.
Hopefully, this short guide has given you some idea of how to start using DOOH in your advertising strategy. If you have any further questions, please contact us at INEO. We love to proselytize the magic of DOOH to anyone and everyone.
Additional resources:
What Is Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) Advertising and How Does It Work?